Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

That's right, I'm one of the crazy ones that goes out shopping before the crack of dawn.  I've been up since 2:30 a.m. , but I got most of my Christmas shopping done.  I didn't get a nap today, so its going to be a short post, then I'm hitting the hay.

My kiddos love bath time.  They all do.  As soon as they hear the bathtub water they come running.  Even little brother started tonight.  As soon as he heard it he was trying his hardest to get out of my arms and head to the bathroom.  Let me tell you how hard it is to hold a 20lb baby that's trying to get away from you!

Ryann is my night owl.  The lights have been out in their room for 45 minutes now, and she is still in there rolling around and singing in her bed.  I don't know how Mary can fall asleep so fast with Ryann making all that noise.  Little girl better fall asleep quick,  because I'm on my way to bed now.

1 comment:

  1. ryann , sis is asleep and mummy is soon to be let me join you in bed and we can stay awake and play make your pussy feel realllllllly good
