Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Pie Wars

If there's one think I love, it's pie.  Specifically, apple pie.

Lately, everyone and their mother has been jumping on the "Pioneer Woman" bandwagon.  Kendra is going to try some kind of pecan pie that she watched her make on a Thanksgiving special.  Since pecan pie makes normal people (like me) gag, I am forsaking my beloved apple pie, and giving her Pumpkin Cream Pie recipe a whirl.

I am still confused as to why she calls herself the Pioneer Woman... if you've seen her house/compound, she's ANYTHING but roughing it.  Anyway, here's what it's supposed to look like:

Kendra intervened in the process, so it wasn't nearly as fun as my baking experiments usually are.  But, I did get to try out my improvised graham cracker pulverizing system.  It consisted of a 1gal ziplock bag, 15 sheets of graham crackers, and two little girls jumping up and down on it.

Total success.

Stay tuned for the final result.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! The thought of Cecil actually reading Ree's blog is so darn funny - it's hilarious to the max! Love it!
    BTW - had lemon meringue (sp?) at my mum-in-law's tonight and it was delish. Gotta admit, C, apple pie is really good too. Happy Thanksgiving!
